Thomas The Train Set

Hey, this is the first of many toy reviews that I will be posting in the future months. If you don't know by now it's called "SpanktorTheGreat's-totally-terrific-truthful-toy-trial-review". It's getting cold here in Michigan and the best way to keep my 2 year old smiling is to get down on the floor and get our play time on! YEAH! Ok the toy up for review today is a Thomas The Train Set. It's sweet, and if your kid is under three years you will have to play along side them or they will loose interest after a bit. The set is durable and easy to put together. We take it apart every night and put it back together the next day. The train requires one AA battery which is included with the set. At $20 I consider this a bargain. You can find tons of expansion pieces here so the re playability value is pretty nice. Overall my Son likes it and I enjoy playing with it with him.


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