
Showing posts from April, 2005
Another creative innovation by Imaginarium which gives kids a chance to practice material that may already have been covered in their textbook but which they may still need to review. I won't say that this exactly makes learning FUN but it definitely adds some variety and even some challenges that keep kids interested. More importantly, it is geared to specific textbooks and has learning tips and directions to help kids who are confused, a review of chapter material, new problems to practice, etc. I found this worked best (at first) with parental supervision but a highly motivated student could use it himself or herself. What IS wonderful about the Flyware system is how it can be used for either fun OR education, so that kids are likely to play with it, even if they aren't crazy about practicing schoolwork. Is it a pen or a mini-computer? Consider it a hybrid, with some nifty softwear. FLYware: FLY Through Tests: Middle School FLYware FLY Expansion Pack: Fly Journal Expansio