Black English

The topic of language and identity is one that is rather difficult for me. The topic itself is one that is so broad and difficult to focus in on, that it often feels overwhelming to narrow it down to a single perspective to write about. However, after my last essay, which was in regard to how language influences culture which in turn defines identity, I realized that this time around I’m going to take a new approach to the topic. As a result of much analysis, I have arrived at the decision to write about how Black English is harshly discriminated against, simply because of the historical influences that have caused such prejudice. When analyzed, it is clearly evident that Black English is frowned upon because of the segregation that has existed since the founding of this nation. In America we often witness a variety of methods in regard to spoken English, mainly because we are a country founded upon the concept of pluralism. Yet, the more conservative and highly educated wing of society has always looked down upon Black English because it is generally grammatically incorrect or uses much mispronunciation. Then why is it that we don't look down upon those with a British accent? Who defines the correct manner in which the English language can be spoken? Language is a way of self definition for one's self as well as the ethnic group they belong to. By demanding people to change their method of speech we are ordering them to strip their culture and burn their heritage. This topic will have a great deal of published information, so indeed my task remains tedious and hopefully enriching. Its purpose is to prove the value of individual forms of speech and their impact of self identity.


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