
Showing posts from 2010

SEO opportunities for 2023

This is a great year for doing business and the web is not the exception of that. We have a wonderful year with a very slow improvement of the financial crisis in United States, Europe and other locations around the world. I personally think that -according my forecast- in the SEO realm we'll have the opportunity of doing new experiments with all the new mobile technologies and start working with the new tendencies of optimization based on images and more. I personally believe that if you focus your resources and time in study more about the world of SEO you will be more productive and you will have better results in your business. You must delegate now the dirty work and invest money for getting higher revenue. It is time to move your business to the next stage and get the most out of all the opportunities search engine optimization, social media, mobile networks and DSL internet are able to provide. In terms of business, I think that more and more corporations, brands and busin...

Top 7 ways to learn more about searchers mind

The mind of searchers -users of the web- is the mind of common people like you and me, but if you are working in a niche you could understand more about what users reading their expectations from you. In this article I have the responsibility to show you some important ways to learn more about searchers mind. If you are able to understand the consumer behaviour in real life you will have a better idea bout how people interact in the web and their consume behaviours. 1. Dedicate time to play with keyword research tools: Keyword research tools such as Google Adwords Keyword tool is an excellent way to determine the elements that make searchers ask for something they are interested. You could make important filters by country, language that will give you a clear idea about the elements you need to take a good decision. 2. Evaluate your traffic reports: Traffic reports are a primary way to determine the source of your traffic as well as the keywords searchers are using to reach your con...

How to develop SEO friendly websites

When it comes to developing SEO-friendly websites I mean, using the appropriate technology and techniques so that your website can be easily indexed by crawlers. Developing SEO friendly website is not a very difficult thing. The only thing you should have in mind is simplicity. This is almost unbelievable. You should consider that the best way to develop SEO friendly websites is if you love simplicity because most search engines also do that. In this article I would like to show you some of the most important aspects that will give you the opportunity to rank better thanks to the way your website have been developed as well as the kind of technology you are using. I am completely sure that following these simple rules you will succeed developing SEO friendly websites. 1. Don't use frames: Frames often complicate things to search engines and is better that you avoid using HTML frames in your website. 2. Develop your website with a good site map: Site maps are a wonderful solution ...

Top 5 ideas for rank better in search engines

Search engines are very popular because users of the web can have access to different resources through them. It is not usual find a search engine through other search engine. What people often do is they know the name of one search engine such as Google, Yahoo and Bing, and there they type the keyword that represent the required or wanted information. If you are a webmaster, web developer or SEO professional you should be aware of several aspects of search engine optimization that will give you the opportunity to rank better in search engines. The following are just some of the most efficient ideas that will make you get a higher visibility in search engines and will improve your page rank. Now, I will show some paid ideas and others that you don't have to invest your money. All of them are highly effective and recommended for most SEO professionals around the world. 1. Write content massively: Develop a huge amount of content that you can post in your blogs or web pages while ...

Importance of site maps for SEO

Why I should create a site map? This is something a lot of developers and people interested in study about search engine optimization want to know. In search engine optimization -SEO- site maps and its configuration in web sites is very important for rank better in search engines. Site maps often provide information about everthing you have in your website as a description -or map- of all the pages you have in your website. The advantange of site maps is basically described in two directions: Firstly, site maps provide information to users so they can quickly navigate the entire website -and have an oversight of its content-without having to make click on each page or link. In second place, the site map is a wondeful tool for crawlers because its information is quickly indexed by crawlers. This is the main reasons why site maps are very important for search engine optimization. In order the search engine crawlers can index your website easier, you could learn a lot about site maps and ...

3 important things you should have in mind when submitting articles

Article submission is a blessing for search engine optimization because you will have a better traffic in just few weeks without having to pay for links of performing difficult SEO techniques. I firmly believe that article submitting -when is properly practiced- bring a wide range of benefits for all kind of businesses. Nevertheless, it is good you to know that article submission should be applied under some specifications so that you can have the results you want for your blog or web site. We should know that the main purpose of article submission is build links that increase your page rank. Now, I will share with you three important aspects of article submission that you can't oversee. 1. Article submitting require a level of quality: Article submitting in directories requires a level of quality that you should be able to provide. If you are not able to provide the quality they require from you; the articles you are willing to submit won't be accepted and this will make you ...

How to write catchy articles that impress your audience

When you write informative content you keep your audience satisfied as well as search engines that are constantly promoting that. Catchy articles not necessarily impress crawlers -assuming they don't know to read in English- but you can attract people to be interested in the content you are writing. If you track your traffic source and the kind of visitors are coming to your website -through some of the traffic analysis tools- you will see the time your visitors take on each page impression. This is something that will make you to know how interesting the content you are developing in your website or blog is. One of the most relevant aspect of your web content is the title and the more interesting and catchy are your titles the more possibilities you will have that visitors want to read your articles. You should examine and study your visitor's behavior so that you can accomplish your business goals. If you want to impress your audience with titles that make them feel more in...

Ways to improve your web content for good SEO results

When it comes to search engine optimization; the web content has a real importance because users will have access to it as the result of their searches through search engines. That´s why is very important that you can provide informative, useful, relevant and extense information about the topic of their interest. It is very disappointing when you are looking for an information and you only find bad quality links and web site that are unable to provide the kind of information you need. I would like to make you know that web content is very important for SEO and you can improve it in two ways. In first place you should optimize your web content in order users and visitors feel fine with the information you are providing and they feel comfortable reading your content. If users think your content is useful and provide the level of quality they are looking for you will receive the benefit of that. On the other hand -in second place- you should consider that your web content should catch the...

Top 5 SEO mistakes when making a keyword research

Make an exhaustive and profound keyword research is the healthier decision you can make in your SEO project. I know that when we are a novice in SEO we don't understand entirely how things work but I want help you to know those keyword research aspects that will make you rank better in search engines. Avoid some mistakes will give you more time to work hard and bring faster better results to your online business. The following is a list -not necessarily in order of importance- of some mistakes SEO professionals often make when they are making a keyword research. 1. Think that most popular keyword is the most profitable one: There are people working in SEO thinking that popular keywords are the most profitable and it could be a real disappointment for some of them. The more popular is a keyword -the most demanding one- the less is its value. There are keywords such as BlackBerry that are very popular but its demand is huge and you probably won't get back the results you are exp...